
246 lines
8.8 KiB

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple
import sys
class Type(ABC):
def is_indexable(self) -> bool: return False
def is_subtype_of(self, other: 'Type') -> bool:
match self, other:
case StrType(), StrType(): return True
case TypeType_(), TypeType_(): return True
case FunctionType(self_arguments, self_return_type), FunctionType(other_arguments, other_return_type):
assert len(self_arguments) == len(other_arguments)
for (self_argument, other_argument) in zip(self_arguments, other_arguments):
if not other_argument.is_subtype_of(self_argument): return False
return self_return_type.is_subtype_of(other_return_type)
case EnumType(self_name, self_members), EnumType(other_name, other_members):
# if self_name == other_name: assert self is other, (num_expressions, self, other, self_name, other_name, self_members, other_members)
return self is other
return self_name == other_name
case StructType(_, _), StructType(_, _): return self is other
case VoidType(), VoidType(): return True
case ListType(self_type), ListType(other_type):
# TODO: Maybe return which types match
if isinstance(self_type, VariableType): return True
if isinstance(other_type, VariableType): return True
return self_type == other_type
return self_type.is_subtype_of(other_type)
case TupleType(self_elememts), TupleType(other_elements):
if len(self_elememts) != len(other_elements): return False
for (self_element, other_element) in zip(self_elememts, other_elements):
if not self_element.is_subtype_of(other_element): return False
return True
case IntType(), IntType():
return True
case VariableType(self_name), VariableType(other_name):
return self_name == other_name
case _, VariableType(""): return True
case BoolType(), BoolType(): return True
case type, ObjectType(): return True
case type_a, type_b if type_a.__class__ != type_b.__class__: return False
case _, _: assert False, ("Unimplemented", self, other)
assert False, ("Unimplemented", self, other)
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, Type) and self.is_subtype_of(other) and other.is_subtype_of(self)
def represent(self) -> str: ...
def fill(self, types: 'Dict[str, Type]', stack: List[int]) -> 'Type': ...
def new_fill(self, types: 'Dict[str, Type]', stack: List[int]) -> 'Tuple[bool, Type]': ...
def new_fill_list(self, type_list: 'List[Type]', types: 'Dict[str, Type]', stack: List[int]) -> 'Tuple[bool, List[Type]]':
new_types = [type.new_fill(types, stack+[id(self)]) for type in type_list]
is_new = any([new_type[0] for new_type in new_types])
return (is_new, [new_type[1] for new_type in new_types])
def new_fill_dict(self, type_dict: 'Dict[str, Type]', types: 'Dict[str, Type]', stack: List[int]) -> 'Tuple[bool, Dict[str, Type]]':
new_types = {field: type_dict[field].new_fill(types, stack+[id(self)]) for field in type_dict}
is_new = any([new_types[field][0] for field in new_types])
return (is_new, {field: new_types[field][1] for field in new_types})
class Primitive(Type):
def fill(self, types: Dict[str, Type], stack: List[int]) -> Type: return self
def new_fill(self, types: Dict[str, Type], stack: List[int]) -> Tuple[bool, Type]: return (False, self)
class IntType(Primitive):
def represent(self) -> str: return 'int'
Int = IntType()
class StrType(Primitive):
def is_indexable(self) -> bool: return True
def represent(self) -> str: return 'str'
Str = StrType()
class BoolType(Primitive):
def represent(self) -> str: return 'bool'
Bool = BoolType()
class VoidType(Primitive):
def represent(self) -> str: return 'void'
Void = VoidType()
class TypeType_(Primitive):
def represent(self) -> str: return 'type'
TypeType = TypeType_()
class TupleType(Type):
types: List[Type]
def is_indexable(self) -> bool: return True
def represent(self) -> str: return '('+', '.join([type.represent() for type in self.types])+')'
def fill(self, types: Dict[str, Type], stack: List[int]) -> Type:
if id(self) in stack: return self
self.types = [type.fill(types, stack+[id(self)]) for type in self.types]
return self
def new_fill(self, types: Dict[str, Type], stack: List[int]) -> Tuple[bool, Type]:
is_new, new_types = self.new_fill_list(self.types, types, stack)
return (is_new, TupleType(new_types))
class ListType(Type):
type: Type
def is_indexable(self) -> bool: return True
def represent(self) -> str: return self.type.represent()+'[]'
def fill(self, types: Dict[str, Type], stack: List[int]) -> Type:
if id(self) in stack: return self
self.type = self.type.fill(types, stack+[id(self)])
return self
def new_fill(self, types: Dict[str, Type], stack: List[int]) -> Tuple[bool, Type]:
assert id(self) not in stack
is_new, new_type = self.type.new_fill(types, stack+[id(self)])
return (is_new, ListType(new_type))
class ArrayType(Type):
type: Type
number: int
def is_indexable(self) -> bool: return True
class FunctionType(Type):
arguments: List[Type]
return_type: Type
def represent(self) -> str: return '('+', '.join([type.represent() for type in self.arguments])+') -> '+self.return_type.represent()
def fill(self, types: Dict[str, Type], stack: List[int]) -> Type:
if id(self) in stack: return self
self.arguments = [argument.fill(types, stack+[id(self)]) for argument in self.arguments]
self.return_type = self.return_type.fill(types, stack+[id(self)])
return self
def new_fill(self, types: Dict[str, Type], stack: List[int]) -> Tuple[bool, Type]:
assert id(self) not in stack # TODO: Wtf?
is_new_arguments, new_arguments = self.new_fill_list(self.arguments, types, stack)
is_new_return_type, new_return_type = self.return_type.new_fill(types, stack+[id(self)])
return (is_new_arguments or is_new_return_type, FunctionType(new_arguments, new_return_type))
class ObjectType(Primitive):
def represent(self) -> str: return 'object'
Object = ObjectType()
num_expressions: int = 0
class EnumType(Type):
name: str
members: Dict[str, List[Type]]
generics: List[Type]
def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.represent()
def represent(self) -> str: return'['+', '.join([generic.represent() for generic in self.generics])+']' if self.generics else '')
def fill(self, types: Dict[str, Type], stack: List[int]) -> Type:
if id(self) in stack: return self
self.members = {member_name: [element.fill(types, stack+[id(self)]) for element in self.members[member_name]] for member_name in self.members}
self.generics = [type.fill(types, stack+[id(self)]) for type in self.generics]
return self
def new_fill(self, types: Dict[str, Type], stack: List[int]) -> Tuple[bool, Type]:
assert id(self) not in stack
is_new = False
new_members: Dict[str, List[Type]] = {}
for member_name in self.members:
member = self.members[member_name]
is_new_member, new_members[member_name] = self.new_fill_list(member, types, stack)
is_new = is_new or is_new_member
return (is_new, EnumType(, new_members, self.generics) if is_new else self)
class StructType(Type):
name: str
members: Dict[str, Type]
generics: List[Type]
def represent(self) -> str:
assert not self.generics
def fill(self, types: Dict[str, Type], stack: List[int]) -> Type:
if id(self) in stack: return self
for field in self.members:
self.members[field] = self.members[field].fill(types, stack+[id(self)])
return self
def new_fill(self, types: Dict[str, Type], stack: List[int]) -> Tuple[bool, Type]:
assert id(self) not in stack
is_new, new_members = self.new_fill_dict(self.members, types, stack)
return (is_new, StructType(, new_members, self.generics) if is_new else self)
class VariableType(Type):
name: str
def represent(self) -> str: return + '?'
def fill(self, types: Dict[str, Type], stack: List[int]) -> Type:
return types.get(, self)
def new_fill(self, types: Dict[str, Type], stack: List[int]) -> Tuple[bool, Type]:
return ( in types, types.get(, self))
class GenericType(Type):
variables: List[VariableType]
type: Type
def represent(self) -> str: assert False
def fill(self, types: Dict[str, Type], stack: List[int]) -> Type:
if id(self) in stack: return self
self.type = self.type.fill(types, stack+[id(self)])
return self
def new_fill(self, types: Dict[str, Type], stack: List[int]) -> Tuple[bool, Type]:
assert False
def substitute(self, types: List[Type]) -> Type:
assert len(types) == len(self.variables), f"{self.type.represent()} expected {len(self.variables)} type parameters, but got {len(types)}!"
return self.type.new_fill({ type for (variable, type) in zip(self.variables, types)}, [])[1]