2024-10-01 19:02:20 +10:00

162 lines
6.7 KiB

from typing import Optional
from ppp_tokens import EofToken, IdentifierToken, Keyword, KeywordToken, NumberToken, StringToken, Symbol, SymbolToken, Token, TokenContents, Location
class Lexer:
def __init__(self, source: str, filename: str) -> None:
self._source = source
self._location = 0
self._line = 1
self._col = 0
self._filename = filename
self._peeked_token: Optional[Token] = None
def _loc(self) -> Location:
return Location(self._filename, self._line, self._col)
def _token(self, loc: Location, value: str, contents: TokenContents) -> Token:
return Token(loc, value, contents)
def from_file(cls, path: str) -> 'Lexer':
with open(path) as f:
return cls(, path)
def _advance(self):
assert self._location < len(self._source)
self._line, self._col = (self._line + 1, 0) if self._source[self._location] == '\n' else (self._line, self._col + 1)
self._location += 1
def next_token(self) -> Token:
if self._peeked_token is not None:
peeked_token, self._peeked_token = self._peeked_token, None
return peeked_token
while self._location < len(self._source) and self._source[self._location] in ' \t\n': self._advance()
if self._location >= len(self._source): return self._token(self._loc(), '\0', EofToken())
match self._source[self._location]:
case c if c.isdigit():
start_location = self._location
loc = self._loc()
while self._location < len(self._source) and self._source[self._location].isdigit(): self._advance()
number = int(self._source[start_location:self._location])
return self._token(loc, self._source[start_location:self._location], NumberToken(number))
case c if c.isalpha() or c == "_":
start_location = self._location
loc = self._loc()
while self._location < len(self._source) and (self._source[self._location].isalpha() or self._source[self._location] in '_'): self._advance()
word = self._source[start_location:self._location]
keyword = Keyword(word)
return self._token(loc, word, KeywordToken(keyword))
except ValueError:
symbol = Symbol(word)
return self._token(loc, word, SymbolToken(symbol))
except ValueError:
return self._token(loc, word, IdentifierToken(word))
case '"':
# TODO: Proper escaping
loc = self._loc()
start_location = self._location
escaping = False
while self._location < len(self._source) and (self._source[self._location] != '"' or escaping):
escaping = self._source[self._location] == '\\' if not escaping else False
string = self._source[start_location:self._location].encode('utf-8').decode('unicode_escape')
return self._token(loc, self._source[start_location-1:self._location], StringToken(string))
# TODO: Make a proper Trie for this.
case '|' if self._location < len(self._source)-1 and self._source[self._location+1] == '|':
loc = self._loc()
self._advance(); self._advance()
return self._token(loc, self._source[self._location-2:self._location], SymbolToken(Symbol.Dpipe))
case '&' if self._location < len(self._source)-1 and self._source[self._location+1] == '&':
loc = self._loc()
self._advance(); self._advance()
return self._token(loc, self._source[self._location-2:self._location], SymbolToken(Symbol.Dampersand))
case '*' if self._location < len(self._source)-1 and self._source[self._location+1] == '*':
loc = self._loc()
self._advance(); self._advance()
return self._token(loc, self._source[self._location-2:self._location], SymbolToken(Symbol.Dasterisk))
case '-' if self._location < len(self._source)-1 and self._source[self._location+1] == '>':
loc = self._loc()
self._advance(); self._advance()
return self._token(loc, self._source[self._location-2:self._location], SymbolToken(Symbol.Arrow))
case '>' if self._location < len(self._source)-1 and self._source[self._location+1] == '=':
loc = self._loc()
self._advance(); self._advance()
return self._token(loc, self._source[self._location-2:self._location], SymbolToken(Symbol.GreaterEqual))
case '<' if self._location < len(self._source)-1 and self._source[self._location+1] == '=':
loc = self._loc()
self._advance(); self._advance()
return self._token(loc, self._source[self._location-2:self._location], SymbolToken(Symbol.LesserEqual))
case '=' if self._location < len(self._source)-1 and self._source[self._location+1] == '=':
loc = self._loc()
self._advance(); self._advance()
return self._token(loc, self._source[self._location-2:self._location], SymbolToken(Symbol.Dequal))
case '=' if self._location < len(self._source)-1 and self._source[self._location+1] == '>':
loc = self._loc()
self._advance(); self._advance()
return self._token(loc, self._source[self._location-2:self._location], SymbolToken(Symbol.EqualArrow))
case '!' if self._location < len(self._source)-1 and self._source[self._location+1] == '=':
loc = self._loc()
self._advance(); self._advance()
return self._token(loc, self._source[self._location-2:self._location], SymbolToken(Symbol.NotEqual))
case c if c in Symbol._value2member_map_:
loc = self._loc()
return self._token(loc, self._source[self._location-1], SymbolToken(Symbol(c)))
case _:
raise SyntaxError(f"{self._loc()}: Unknown character: '{c}'")
assert False, "Unreachable"
def peek_token(self) -> Token:
if self._peeked_token is not None: return self._peeked_token
self._peeked_token = self.next_token()
return self._peeked_token
def assert_tokenkind(self, kind: type) -> Token:
token = self.next_token()
if not isinstance(token.contents, kind): raise SyntaxError(f"{token.loc}: Expected {kind} but got {token.contents}!")
return token
def assert_token(self, expected: TokenContents) -> Token:
token = self.next_token()
if token.contents != expected: raise SyntaxError(f"{token.loc}: Expected {expected} but got {token.contents}!")
return token
def check_token(self, expected: TokenContents) -> bool:
token = self.peek_token()
return token.contents == expected
def check_tokens(self, *expected: TokenContents) -> bool:
for token in expected:
if self.check_token(token):
return True
return False
def check_tokenkind(self, kind: type) -> bool:
token = self.peek_token()
return isinstance(token.contents, kind)
def take_tokenkind(self, kind: type) -> Optional[Token]:
if self.check_tokenkind(kind):
return self.next_token()
return None
def take_token(self, token: TokenContents) -> Optional[Token]:
if self.check_token(token):
return self.next_token()
return None
def take_tokens(self, *tokens: TokenContents) -> Optional[Token]:
for token in tokens:
if self.check_token(token):
return self.next_token()
return None