
It is just an old version of, before I probably rewrote
the way types worked.
This commit is contained in:
germax26 2024-08-11 11:44:50 +10:00
parent 9b960e3ecf
commit 659c79373d
Signed by: germax26
SSH Key Fingerprint: SHA256:N3w+8798IMWBt7SYH8G1C0iJlIa2HIIcRCXwILT5FvM

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@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
from dataclasses import dataclass
from types import EllipsisType
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union as Union_, Tuple as Tuple_, List as List_
class StructContents:
generics: 'List_[Type]'
members: 'Dict[str, Type]'
class TupleContents:
elements: 'List_[Type]'
class EnumContents:
generics: 'List_[Type]'
members: 'Dict[str, Union_[Dict[str, Type], List_[Type]]]'
class UnknownContents:
class FunctionContents:
arguments: 'List_[Type]'
return_type: 'Type'
class ListContents:
type: 'Optional[Type]'
class UnionContents:
types: 'List_[Type]'
class Type:
name: str
contents: Union_[EnumContents, StructContents, TupleContents, FunctionContents, ListContents, UnknownContents, UnionContents]
def specify(self, *types: 'Type') -> 'Type':
assert False, ("Unimplemented")
def is_subtype_of(self, other: 'Type') -> bool: # TODO: Maybe return any generics that match
if == 'object': return True
match self.contents, other.contents:
case (EnumContents(self_members), EnumContents(other_members)) | (StructContents(self_members), StructContents(other_members)):
return ==
case TupleContents(self_elements), TupleContents(other_elements):
if != return False
if len(self_elements) != len(other_elements): return False
for (self_element, other_element) in zip(self_elements, other_elements):
if not self_element.is_subtype_of(other_element): return False
return True
case FunctionContents(self_arguments, self_return_type), FunctionContents(other_arguments, other_return_type):
for (self_argument, other_argument) in zip(self_arguments, other_arguments):
if not other_argument.is_subtype_of(self_argument): return False
return self_return_type.is_subtype_of(other_return_type)
case ListContents(self_type), ListContents(other_type):
if self_type is None: return True
if other_type is None: return True
return self_type.is_subtype_of(other_type)
case UnionContents(self_types), UnionContents(other_types):
for type_ in self_types:
if not type_.is_subtype_of(other): return False
return True
case a, b if type(a) == type(b):
assert False, ("Unimplemented", self, other)
case _, UnionContents(types):
for type_ in types:
if self.is_subtype_of(type_): return True
return False
case _, _:
return False
assert False, ("Unimplemented")
def fill(self, types: 'Dict[str, Type]') -> 'Type':
match self.contents:
case TupleContents(elements):
return Type(, TupleContents([type.fill(types) for type in elements]))
case EnumContents(generics, members):
assert not generics # TODO
new_members: Dict[str, Union_[Dict[str, Type], List_[Type]]] = {}
for name in members:
member = members[name]
if isinstance(member, list):
new_members[name] = [type.fill(types) for type in member]
elif isinstance(member, dict):
new_members[name] = {field: member[field].fill(types) for field in member}
assert False, "Unreachable"
return Type(, EnumContents(generics, new_members))
case StructContents(generics, members):
assert not generics # TODO
return Type(, StructContents(generics, {field: members[field].fill(types) for field in members}))
case ListContents(type):
return Type(, ListContents(type.fill(types) if type else None))
case UnknownContents():
return types[] if in types else self
case UnionContents(types_):
return Type(, UnionContents([type.fill(types) for type in types_]))
case FunctionContents(arguments, return_type):
return Type(, FunctionContents([argument.fill(types) for argument in arguments], return_type.fill(types)))
case _:
assert False, ("Unimplemented", self.contents)
assert False, "Unreachable"
def represent(self) -> str:
match self.contents:
case EnumContents(generics, _) | StructContents(generics, _): return + ("<"+', '.join([generic.represent() for generic in generics])+">" if generics else '')
case TupleContents(elements): return ( if != "tuple" else '') + ('('+', '.join([generic.represent() for generic in elements])+')' if elements else '')
case ListContents(type): return (type.represent() if type else '')+'[]'
case UnknownContents(): return"?"
case UnionContents(types): return '('+'|'.join([type.represent() for type in types])+')'
case FunctionContents(arguments, return_type): return "("+', '.join([type.represent() for type in arguments])+") -> "+return_type.represent()
assert False, ("Unimplemented")
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
return isinstance(other, Type) and self.is_subtype_of(other) and other.is_subtype_of(self)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return self.represent()
except AssertionError:
return f"Unimplemented {self.contents.__class__.__name__}"
def primitive(name: str) -> Type: return Type(name, TupleContents([]))
Int = primitive("int")
Str = primitive("str")
Bool = primitive("bool")
Void = primitive("void")
TypeType = primitive("type")
def Tuple(*types: Type) -> Type: return Type("tuple", TupleContents(list(types)))
def List(type: Optional[Type]=None) -> Type: return Type("list", ListContents(type))
def Function(*arguments_and_return_type: Type) -> Type:
assert arguments_and_return_type, "Must have a return value"
return Type("function", FunctionContents(list(arguments_and_return_type[:-1]), arguments_and_return_type[-1]))
Unit = Tuple()
def Union(*types: Type) -> Type: return Type("union", UnionContents(list(types)))
def Return(type: Type) -> Type:
return Type('return', StructContents([type], {'value': type}))
Object = primitive('object')
# TODO: struct enum members
def EnumMember(enum_type: Type, *types: Type) -> Type: return Type('enum_tuple_member', FunctionContents(list(types), enum_type))
# def issubclassof(type1: Type, type2: Type) -> bool:
# if != 'union' and == 'union':
# return type1 in type2.generics
# if != return False
# if not type2.generics: return True
# if len(type1.generics) != len(type2.generics): return False
# if == '->':
# for (type_a, type_b) in zip(type1.generics[:-1], type2.generics[:-1]):
# if not issubclassof(type_b, type_a): return False
# return issubclassof(type1.generics[-1], type2.generics[-1])
# if == 'union': assert False, ("Unimplemented", type1, type2)
# if == 'tuple': return all([issubclassof(type_a, type_b) for (type_a, type_b) in zip(type1.generics, type2.generics)])
# assert False, ("Unimplemented", type1, type2)
# Void = Type('void', TupleContents([]))
# AbstractFunction = Type('->', [])
# def Function(*arguments_and_return_type: Type) -> Type:
# assert arguments_and_return_type, "Must have a return value"
# return AbstractFunction.specify(*arguments_and_return_type)
# Int = Type('int', [], False)
# String = Type('str', [], False)
# Bool = Type('bool', [], False)
# def List(type: Type) -> Type: return Type('list', [type])
# Unit = Type('unit', [], False)
# def Tuple(*types: Type) -> Type: return Type('tuple', list(types)) if types else Unit